Plan of the town by zones for the calculation of utility fees
The areas in the town for which the utility fee is charged are determined with regard to the orderliness and equipage of the area with communal infrastructure.
In the area of Sveta Nedelja, the following zones are determined for residential and garage spaces:
- residential areas zone: Hoto Villas (Strmec) and the centre of Sveta Nedelja (are of the town square)
- residential areas zone: Strmec (except for Hoto Villa), Sveta Nedelja, Rakitje, Novaki and Brezje
- residential areas zone: Bestovje, Orešje, Kerestinec and Jagnjić Dol
- residential areas zone: Svetonedeljski Breg, Srebrnjak, Mala Gorica, Kalinovica and Žitarka
- zone 1.00
- zone 0.70
- zone 0.65
- zone 0.50
Utility fee calculator
*Construction land used for the purpose of performing business activities is determined by the coefficient of use in the amount of 10% of the coefficient of use determined for business space
- Area
- {{ output.area }} m2
- Point value
- Total: {{ }} HRK In installments: {{ output.bods.obr }} HRK
- Zone coefficient
- {{ output.koefZone }} - {{}} / {{}}
- Purpose coefficient
- {{ output.koefNamj }} - {{output.objNamj.label}} x {{ output.gradj.showval }} - {{output.gradj.txt}}
- Estimated utility fee
- Total: {{ }} HRK In installments: {{ output.calc.obr }} HRK
- Zone 1
- Zone 2
- Zone 3
- Zone 4
Purpose of utility fee
The utility fee is a public levy paid for the maintenance and construction of communal infrastructure. The utility fee is revenue for the town’s budget.
It is used for the following: financing the maintenance and construction of communal infrastructure, financing the construction and maintenance of preschool, school, health and social facilities, public buildings for sports and cultural purposes and improving the energy efficiency of buildings owned by the town of Sveta Nedelja, if it does not call into question the possibility of maintenance and construction of communal infrastructure.
Frequently asked questions
The utility fee is paid for the following:
- residential space
- commercial space
- garage space
- construction land used for business activities
- undeveloped building land, and therefore, for real estate located in the area where the least communal activities are performed for the maintenance of unclassified roads and maintenance of public lighting and which are equipped with the least access road, low voltage electricity and water according to local conditions and is an integral part of the infrastructure of Sveta Nedelja.
Construction land used to carry out business activities is considered to be land located within the boundaries of the construction area on which a business activity is performed.
Undeveloped construction land is considered to be the land located within the boundaries of the construction area on which, in accordance with the regulations governing spatial planning and construction, residential and commercial buildings may be built, and land on which no building has been built or on which there is a temporary structure for which no building permit is required.
Undeveloped construction land is also considered to be the land on which a dilapidated building is located.
The following types of property are completely exempt from paying the utility fee:
- those used by the Croatian Army for active defense purposes (barracks, training grounds, etc.),
- those used for the activities of public, pre-school, elementary, secondary and higher education and museums founded by the Republic of Croatia, and archives,
- those used by healthcare institutions owned by the Republic of Croatia and the County,
- those used for the activities of fire-fighting services,
- those serving religious communities to perform their religious and educational activities,
- for construction land where memorials and mass graves are located,
- buildings and land owned by the town of Sveta Nedelja or the activity is mostly financed from the town budget, except for premises that are leased, in which case the lessee is liable to pay,
- public transport and public green areas,
- farm buildings of farmers with a yard,
- forest land,
- hotels, apartment complexes and camps.
Notwithstanding Paragraph 1 of this Article, the utility fee is paid for the premises and land if owners give them for lease, sublease or temporary use.
The following entities will be fully or partially exempted from payment of the utility fee:
- Payers who are not equipped with electricity and/or public water supply and which make the integral part of the infrastructure of local self-government, or public water supply providers,
- utility fee payers are beneficiaries of the guaranteed minimum fee in accordance with the Social Welfare Act for as long as such need lasts.
The payer referred to in Paragraph 2 of this Article is obliged to notify the competent administrative department on the termination of the said right within 15 days of the occurrence of the change.
For legal entities and natural persons (landowners and investors) who start performing activities in Sveta Nedelja and who, at the time of obtaining a valid construction permit or some other acts were fully or partially exempted from paying the utility fee, the utility fee is calculated in such a way that in the first year of their operation, they are released from payment of the utility fee in full.
Legal entities and natural persons who start performing activities are legal entities and natural persons who did not perform the registered activity in the area of the town of Sveta Nedelja and who perform the activity in the newly built business premises.
Utility fee payers, legal entities and natural persons already operating in the area of the town of Sveta Nedelja, who were fully exempted from payment of the calculated communal contribution during the construction of the commercial building, the utility fee will be calculated for the business facility and paid depending on the total investment of the newly built facility:
- when the investment value exceeds the amount of HRK 15 million, the calculated amount of the utility fee is paid in accordance with par. 2. Art. 15.
- when the investment value is between HRK 7.5 million and HRK 15 million, the calculated amount of the utility fee is reduced by 50% in the first year of operation.