The eCentral project will support the construction and energy renovation of buildings with an approximately zero energy rating by providing ongoing expert support to public sector representatives from Central Europe during the technical planning and financial structuring of G0EZ projects.
Project description
Addressing the energy inefficiency of public buildings forms the backbone of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (2010/31 / EU), which obliges public sector representatives that from 2019 all public buildings must be built on the principle of near zero energy (G0EZ), while the requirement for energy renovation according to GOEZ principles will enter into force at the beginning of 2021. Integral energy renovation of buildings also imposes high investment costs that cannot be solved exclusively through public (non-refundable) funds, which is why it is necessary to involve the private sector and market mechanisms in project financing. The eCentral project will support the construction and energy renovation of nearly zero energy buildings by providing ongoing expert support to public sector representatives from Central Europe during the technical planning and financial structuring of G0EZ projects.
Key project results
- Software tools for planning energy renovation of buildings in accordance with G0EZ
- Feasibility studies of energy renovation/construction in accordance with G0EZ (three per pilot partner and 20 for cities/municipalities outside the project consortium)
- Realized three pilot projects of construction/reconstruction of public buildings in accordance with G0EZ with the use of innovative financing models (public-private partnership, energy performance contract, group financing -crowdfunding)
- Developed regional strategies for long-term energy renovation of public buildings
- Continuous training of public sector representatives on planning and structuring of G0EZ projects
- Organization of promotional events (conferences, workshops, open days in pilot regions)
Duration: 42 months (1September 2017 – 28 February 2021)
Budget: EUR 2.67 million
ERDF co-financing: 80-85% (EUR 2.24 million)
Co-financing rate: 85% of eligible costs
Budget for the town of Sveta Nedelja: EUR 399,995.40
ERDF co-financing rate: 85% of eligible costs
- Northwest Croatia Regional Energy Agency (Croatia) – Project Coordinator
- Energy Agency for Savinjska, Šaleška and Carinthia– KSSENA (Slovenia)
- Styrian Energy Agency – EASt (Austria)
- Climate Policy Institute and Applied Communications Association – Energiaklub (Hungary)
- Town of Sveta Nedelja (Croatia)
- Municipality of Velenje (Slovenia)
- 18th District of Budapest – BP18 (Hungary)
- EURAC Research Centre – (Italy)
More about eCentral project and our work can be found on our website, Facebook and Twitter.