The project, which will be implemented in the area of the town of Sveta Nedelja and the municipality of Stupnik, will inform 100% of citizens (21,794, CBS, 2011) about sustainable waste management.
The project was co-financed by the European Union from the Cohesion Fund
Project name: Informed for a green tomorrow (Ref. number: KK.
Project summary
The project, which will be implemented in the town of Sveta Nedelja and the municipality of Stupnik, will inform all citizens (21,794, CBS, 2011) about sustainable waste management. The implementation of 10 selected activities of the program of educational and information activities about sustainable waste management will help to fulfill the specific objective of the informing and educating citizens with special emphasis on four topics: waste prevention, proper household waste sorting, home composting and reuse of items. The activities that will be carried out are aimed at all citizens, but also certain target groups. By implementing these activities, key messages will be communicated, and citizens will become familiar with the importance and benefits of sustainable waste management. The applicant, i.e. the project leader, is the Town of Sveta Nedelja. The co-applicant is the Municipality of Stupnik.
Objectives and expected results of the project:
In the town of Sveta Nedelja and the municipality of Stupnik 21,794 citizens will be informed (CBS, 2011.) about sustainable waste management, waste prevention, separate collection of municipal waste, home composting and the reuse of items. It is expected that the implementation of educational and information activities will increase the rate of separately collected waste through a new recycling yard, increase the amount of separately collected waste “on your doorstep,” and increase the amount of waste collected on green islands, all of which will result in a reduced quantity of waste in waste yards. Ten activities from the program of educational and information activities on sustainable waste management will be implemented, six of which will be mandatory, along with four recommended activities. The results can be checked via a list of participants in workshops and public forums, the number of distributed materials procured for the implementation of the project, photos, videos, audio recordings, and an approved final report on project implementation, which will include the planned number of educational and information activities. The applicant will publish 10 activities via its web application provided for the submission of data by the local and regional self-government units as part of the Portal for the Prevention of Waste. The results will be measured through an approved final report on the implementation of the project, which will include evidence that information on the implemented activities has been published on the Portal for the prevention of Waste.
Total project value: HRK 574,414.78
Amount co-financed by the EU (85%): HRK 488,252.56
Project implementation period: 1 June 2018 to 2 February 2020