Free public transport in the city

At the moment, three new lines of public transport are planned in the city; they will operate in the area of the city of Sveta Nedjelja. Annual transport passes for residents are also being prepared. There will be a 60-day transition and trial period to determine the situation on the ground, which will be a true indicator of the need for specific departure times on the lines. If changes are made in the transition period, all users will be notified. We ask passengers for their patience during the first days of the new operation, when occasional difficulties in operation may occur until the system is fully established. All inquiries and suggestions about the new system can be directed to the email address:


Bus lanes and schedulePDF filebus-lanes_and_schedule_20230101.pdf (5.52 MB)
Pocket guide with bus lanes and schedulesPDF filepocket-guide_bus-lanes_schedule_20230101.pdf (8.17 MB)
Route schedule - Line 101 Image file (PNG)line-101_schedule_20230101.png (260.2 KB)
Route schedule - Line 102Image file (PNG)line-102_schedule_20230101.png (279.5 KB)
Route schedule - Line 103Image file (PNG)line-103_schedule_20230101.png (333.2 KB)
Route schedule - Holidays circle lineImage file (PNG)holydays_circle_line20230101.png (85.2 KB)
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